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More Pictures!

These are just more pictures of our family and friends.


This is our little Macy. She's quite a handful, although she looks just like an angel in this picture.


Jennette & Kalie

This picture was taken on our last trip to California back in August of 2004. Here Kalie is with one of our very good friends, Jennette. Kalie really liked her, and Jennette was very sweet to Kalie.

Macy in the Bath

Macy loves taking a bath. I enjoy making her hair silly while she's in the bath. :)

Kalie & Jennette

Again from our trip in 2004. Kalie and Jennette swim in the Disneyland hotel pool.

John with the McCurdy's

Here's John and Kalie and Macy with the McCurdy family. There's Scottie, Deb, John, Beverly, Jennette, Macy, and Kalie. Oh how we love the McCurdys.

Here they are again!

Here's another picture with John, Macy, Deb, and Scottie.

Kalie's missing teeth

On May 26, 2005, Kalie had her front top four teeth pulled. This picture was taken before we had a chance to wipe her mouth from a little dried blood.


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